This video talks about how public education is designed to teach you what those in authority want you to know.  It does not encourage your creative side.  Watch this short video to see what I mean.
Here is a site called Challenging Scientism that is worth taking a look at.  Not sure I agree with everything, but rarely do people agree with each other 100%. 
I am all for the government getting back to only doing what the Constitution says it should do.  This is a great video that talks about the different ways to balance the budget.
I loved this video where a mom corrects a doctor on his vaccine facts.
Dr. Mercola is now offering his Nutritional Typing program along with a cookbook, all for FREE.  This program determines whether you are a protein, carb, or mixed type.  I haven't done it yet, but I believe it has you try out different foods and then observe your body to see how it responds.  This observation is how you end up figuring out your food type. 
I just added a disease area of my site.  So far I only have pertussis listed with one link, but I thought this was good info to have out there with the pertussis scare that is out there right how. 
There is a new study out that suggests that there is a link.  This article talks about that study, with links to it, and also talks about a summary of other finds.
If you were not one of estimated 1 million people who attended the Restoring Honor Rally hosted by Glenn Beck in Washington DC on Sept. 28, 2010, you can see still see the footage of the event.
Watch this video detailing the journey for life that a man went through after getting the swine flu.  He was supposed to die, but his family fought to get him high doses of Vitamin C.  Is it possible that some people die unneccessarily when they could be given something as easy as Vitamin C?  Had this man died, he would have been recorded as having died from swine flu.  How many other deaths from swine flu or other illnesses would not have happened if the person were just given Vitamin C?  Makes you wonder. 
Remember the Swine Flu from last summer/winter?  Check out Swine Flu Review to get a recap of how it all played out and to learn any information you may have missed along the way.